Related Book
The Original: Timeless Product Design Genealogy
The exhibition "The Original" return in this book showcasing roughly 150 examples of product design from the nineteenth century to today all chosen for their pioneering originality. Commentaries shed light on the appeal of each item from modern-day perspectives, while the chronological organization of the book clearly lays out the evolution of diverse categories of products—from furniture to lighting to tableware, toys, and more—so as to offer readers a better understanding not only of the social backgrounds behind the works but of the history of product design itself.

Authors: Naoto Fukasawa, Takahiro Tsuchida, and Kaoru Tashiro
Publised by: Seigensha Art Publishing, Inc.
Date of Publication: July 25, 2024
Price: ¥4,500 (tax excluded) / ¥4,950 (tax included)
Size: 226 × 150 × 20 mm
Languages: Bilingual (Japanese-English)
Pages: 232
Binding: hardcover
Designer: Shohei Iida+Haru Sasaki (ido)
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